Our Practice has an extensive Health Care Preventative Medical Service.
These Clinics are run by the Practice Nurses
Julie Edgar, R.G.N., Diploma Asthma & Diabetes
Jane Lafferty BSc, RN Diploma Adult Nursing, COPD Diploma
and the Doctors
The nurses provide a full range of services covering health matters such as routine injections, travel advice, cervical smears, dressings, removal of sutures, weight management and smoking cessation advice, plus clinics to monitor chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The nurses can be contacted by phoning Reception on 0141 889 5277.
Routine appointments can be made with our Practice Nurses for any of the above clinics by calling 0141 889 5277.
You may also be invited by letter to attend these clinics and others that may run.